Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Owen at 14 months

I love mini sessions with my kids, because that it about as much as I can get out of them. I tried changing my lens and Owen jumped into the mini swimming pool in my parents backyard and that was the end of that.

Friday, July 16, 2010


While I was visitng my family I took a few pictures of my cute little niece Lucy. It was like 100 degrees outsides so I had to snap quick but we got a few good ones.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Baby KJ

Baby KJ was such a sweet baby, She didn't make a peep the whole photo session, she just stared at me wide eyed just taking in everything around her. I wonder if maybe I had stuck her in my camera bag I could have sneaked out without her mom noticing :) 

Monday, July 12, 2010

baby Ella

Ella was 3 months when I did this photo session, which seems to be that age where babies start to decided what they like and don't like. I soon found out that Ella's sweet spot was being nuzzled up against her mama's shoulder, definitely a mama's girl. Don't you just want to pinch her cute little cheeks?